Quality Technician (Fahs)

Quality technicain is committed to achieving the company's quality objectives.

  • DPMU to target
  • Scrap rate respected
  • Carries out the first parts and final checks.
  • Perform product audits according to the schedule defined in advance by the quality actor
  • Monitoring of means of control and their validity
  • Ensures compliance with 5S in areas under quality responsibility (IIP, GP12, Qgate, Prison, etc.)
  • Follow-up of customer incidents / Return IIP / Comex production / DPMU
  • Technician quality has the authority to stop the line in the event of a drift (quality problem, non-compliance with the standard)
  • Attend the training of quality operators
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: LinkedIn
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: LinkedIn