Looking for Amnesty International’s Secretary General denounces rollback of human rights upon concluding four-day visit in Tunis

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Looking for Amnesty International’s Secretary General denounces rollback of human rights upon concluding four-day visit in Tunis

Three years after President Kais Saied’spower grabon 25 July 2021,Tunisiacontinues to witness a significant rollback of the human rights progress following the 2011 revolution.

Since 2022, authorities have carried out successive waves of arrests targeting political opponents and perceived critics of President Saied. More than 70 people, includingpolitical opponents,lawyers,journalists,activistsandhuman rights defenders, have been subjected to arbitrary prosecutions and/orarbitrary detentionsince the end of 2022. At least 40 people remained arbitrarily detained as of May 2024 in connection with the exercise of their internationally protected rights such as right tofreedom of expressionand peacefulassembly. In May 2024, authoritiesescalated repressivemeasures against migrants, refugees, and human rights defenders working to protect their rights.

In July 2023, the European Unionsigneda Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia under which, among other things, the EU has agreed to provide technical support to deter Europe-bound migration, including €105 million with a focus on “border management” as well as nearly €1 billion in additional loans and financial support amid Tunisia’s unprecedented economic crisis. This deal, which lacked transparency or parliamentary scrutiny, remains in operation. Amnesty International has repeatedlywrittento the EU’s leadership raising concerns over the repercussions of cooperation with Tunisia without a prior human rights risk assessment.

Post date: 2 August 2024
Publisher: Bayt
Post date: 2 August 2024
Publisher: Bayt